
Traditionally organizations prime focus is to do business. With the increased hype of CSR, organizations started to undertake certain CSR related activities whereby they undertake responsible activities independent of their business operations, their impact on society and how they affect society or can be affected by society at large.

“A Corporate Social Responsibility audit aims at identifying environmental, social or governance risks faced by the organization and evaluating managerial performance in respect of those”

Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) is a broad term however, for the purpose of addressing the scope of a CSR Audit, CSR is about managing and taking into consideration organization’s operational, processes and behavioral impact on society and stakeholders from a broad perspective. Contrary to common belief CSR is more than basic legal compliance and is highly connected with and affects organization’s bottom line.


Audits and the process of auditing as we commonly know it is focused on the organizations achievement of its stated and communicated objective; its compliance with rules, regulations and legislation; the reliability of its records and information accessible to the public or communicated to the public; the safeguard of its assets